Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My New Spartan Diet by Andy Stolarik

Over the years I have been on a search for the Holy Grail of diets.  Most people are looking for something that is easy, gain magical results in a quick time frame.  This is the “American Way”- quick and easy but let’s face it, changing your body is not an easy task especially when it comes to eating.  We all know how to eat properly and the effects of eating properly however, we are lazy if it requires some kind of work.  Your body is a machine and like all machines it requires maintenance and work so nothing will rust and cease up on us.  While our body is in motion we will be able to see if anything needs to be fixed from pain, lack of sleep/over sleep, poor intake of foods and etc...

Our diets affect about 90% of our emotions, activity, personality, thoughts and how we speak to people.  When we eat right (clean), we can think better causing us to make appropriate decisions, we are nicer to people (because we are not hungry and feel better about ourselves, we will be able to communicate our thoughts clearer our colleagues, and our level of activity and ambitions will be increased.  The other 10% is how we get there.  What is our plan to put the 90% to work for us?  That is where the new Spartan Diet program comes into play.  This idea was inspired by Bova- the Spartan Warlord.  His ideas and research made it possible for me to make the Spartan Diet work (see his link on the right side of this blog).   So without any further ado:

This plan consists of 2 main meals- breakfast and dinner.  You will fill up on veggies (low carb veggies at that).  Follow this program for 3 days and on the fourth day carb-up on one meal- don’t go overboard or all this hard work will be wasted.   The carb days you will pick one meal and eat a fair portion of carbs- enough to satisfy you-preferably use breakfast as your meal.  Then throughout the day eat veggies that have medium sugar levels.    

Meal 1 – Breakfast
Protein based meal (egg, steak, grilled chicken) with some veggies or blackberries. 

Meal 2- Lunch
Eat mostly veggies with a side of protein (fish, steak, chicken)
Now lunch can be substituted with another form of food but not crap food.  You can use a meal replacement drink if you wish.  Just make sure you make it yourself.  This was also inspired by Bova. 

Meal 3- Dinner 
Eat mostly veggies again with much needed protein.  

Snacks throughout the day
Eat veggies.  You make them so you can eat them (cooked, raw, dipped- make sure you use olive oil any way you can get them down).    

The idea for this diet is to burn the already ready stored sugar in your body and coupled with an exercise plan you will burn lots of sugar which will shrink your fat cells. 

Well that’s it “My New Spartan Diet” program.  Use it over the holidays and tell me if it works for you.  Remember this is just a guideline- you can make any adjustments necessary to fit your needs.


  1. Most of my joints are rusted but I think it will take WD40 to lubricate them.

  2. The above guidelines are just a basic guide but effective if followed. It is based upon the K.I.S.S. method (keep it simple stupid).
