Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Andy's Update! (New Workout) by Andrew Stolarik

In my last post I mentioned that I would give you a month long adventure using your body weight to gain strength and muscle mass. However, this program like many others won’t give you results unless you eat clean and fast at least once or twice a month to get all of the toxins out of your body. For those of you who enjoyed the last workout, this one will be as equally challenging. It’s a bodybuilding inspired workout. The format is split up into three days and rest between each day, however it’s only a guide feel free to adjust the reps and sets to make it harder or easier.

Day1- Chest

Push ups 4 sets of 25
Decline (feet elevated) push ups-3 sets of 25 [change the number of reps each set]
Chin-ups- 4 sets of max
Incline push-ups with hands close together and elbows tucked to your side 4 sets of 25
Body weight triceps extensions 3 sets of 10

Day2 –Legs

Full Squats 5 sets of 50
Bodyweight Hamstring curls 4 sets of 10
Calf raises two feet- 3 sets of 30
Single leg calf raises- 3 sets of 30 each leg

Day3 -Back and Shoulders

Hyperextensions- 5 sets of 25
Bodyweight rows (inverted pull-ups) 4 sets of 25
Pull-ups 3 sets of max
Bodyweight shrugs between chairs or just shrug 3 sets of 50
Handstand push-ups or V-pushups- 4 sets of 10
Arm raises (front and side) 3 sets of 25 each way front and side

This routine should help you to get through the holidays.

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