Friday, December 17, 2010

Today's Outdoor Boot Camp Workout

12-17-2010 Workout

Got started with "The Kong" and "The Ape Step." These are body weight animal movements that will work your total body and get you ready to work. If you are not familiar with these exercises, I suggest you search them on you tube and give it a try yourself. We did "The Kong" the length of 3 tennis courts and "The Ape Step" back the length of 3 tennis courts changing sides halfway through. The warm up was out of the way, so we got started with our 300 rep workout which is as follows....

The Rules:
Complete 10 Exercises As Fast As You Can, Going From One To The Next With As Little Rest As Possible:

30 Prison Squats
30 Push Ups
30 Sit Ups
30 Squat Thrusts With A Hop At The Top
30 Dips
30 Walking Lunge Steps
30 Mountain Climbers
30 Alternating Planks(Transition from plank to plank from elbows to hands)
     *A lot tougher than you'd think...
30 Double Crunches
30 High Knees(Run in place as fast as you can, bringing your knees as high as you can)

We finished this 300 Rep workout in 12 minutes...Looking forward to better/faster score next time!

Throughout the remainder of our workout, we threw in some pull ups, running/fast walk across a 6"x6" retaining wall, one leg hops up some steps, wall climbs, traveling depth jumps, hanging leg raises, and leaping over and going under some rails.

See You Monday!

You should give the 300 Reps a try and let me know what your completion time is!